
Journal of Applicable Chemistry

(An International Peer Reviewed Journal of Chemistry)

ISSN 2278 - 1862


2022 Volume  11 - Issue  2

1. Front Cover

2. Contents

3. Research Paper: Methanol Production from Carbon Dioxide over Ordered Mesoporous NiGaCu Based Catalyst in Low Pressure Process

Nguyen Ngoc Tran, Hong Khanh Dieu Nguyen, Nga Le To Nguyen and Ngo Thi Dinh

School of Chemical Engineering, Ha Noi University of Science and Technology, VIET NAM

4. Research Paper: Response of Sodium Pyruvate (CH3COCO2Na) on Phycocyanin Production of Spirulina platensis

Eva Musifa, Abdi Dharma and Armaini

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Andalas University, Limau Manis Complex, Padang, West Sumatera, INDONESIA

5. Research Paper: Synthesis and Anti- Inflammatory Activity of Indole Derivatives

Alka Rani and Rajkumar

6. Research Paper: Design, Synthesis and Antioxidant activity of Quinazoline-based Aminothiazole Hybrids

Sateesh Amudala and Jyothi Mandala

Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda-508254, INDIA

7. Research Paper: Identification of Terpenoids from Essential Oils of Mentha, Anona, Cinnamomum and Eucalyptus A Biosource for Sustainable Pest Management - A Green Solutions

Monal Singh and Neerja Gupta

P.P.N(PG) College, Kanpur, INDIA

8. AAA: Advancement Application Announcement

Escape Corona part-12

9. AAA: Advancement Application Announcement

CNN 44: Pnicogenbonds

10. AAA: Ingenuity flights (If OM 19-20) – Part-5

11. AAA: KInn 24 – Alan Mathison Turing

12. Author Index

13. Back Cover



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