
Journal of Applicable Chemistry

(An International Peer Reviewed Journal of Chemistry)

ISSN 2278 - 1862

Ethics & Guidelines

ETHICS & Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for research publications

  • Authorship : The authorship is for significant research contribution in the current content of manuscript. It should not be for technical assistance in the lab/instrument operation/ field work or participating in software handling/ graphical output/ word-processing the script.
  • Coauthors : The communicating author should submit the postal and e-mail addresses of all co-authors. The deletion of any author is not permitted after submission of manuscript. In case of major revision of the paper, a co-author can be added with detailed explanation of the contribution.
  • Plagiarism : The journal publishes current research findings. Even self-plagiarism is a taboo in the final draft of the manuscript. Too many of references, except where the context demands, it is a subset of self-plagiarism.
  • Conflict of Interest : The manuscript should include authors' competing interests, if any. The authors should declare conflict of financial and IPR interest.
  • To participate peer review process : The authors with Ph.D degree and at least two years of published post-doctoral experience are eligible to participate in peer review process in their field of experience and expertise.
  • Arena of research : The manuscript should contain research results with sharable new findings amongst scientific personnel and falling within the broad spectrum of the journals' prime focus.
  • Raw data and experimental proof : Prior permission from Animal Ethics Committee for experiments involving live animals is to be submitted along with manuscript.
  • Errata : Even after the publication, the authors are obliged to bring to the notice of editors the major mistakes in figures or formulae for subsequent Erratum column of the journal.
  • Review process : A multi-level review process is adopted. After a preview by one of editorial board members for the suitability of manuscript, it will be sent for experts from India and abroad in the concerned field. The paper may be accepted, accepted with revision, or rejected. After iterative modifications, the Editor-in-chief forwards for publication. The identity of reviewers is kept confidential in the editorial office.
  • Reviewers role :

    # If the one of editors acts as referee for a manuscript, the same pattern of reviewing process by an external scientist is adapted. # The comments are only medium of transmission to modify the script and they should never be hostile, inflammatory or derogatory style /language. # The reviewer comments should be only in the direction of improving the readability of manuscript, adept to international scientific script style. The manuscript is author's brain child and it should not be molded into any personalized frame. # The referees remarks in a classical tone that 'This work is not interesting', ' Similar studies were made earlier', It is not in frame of today's inter-disciplinary pursuit etc. are discouraged. # The critical comments should be annexed with earlier literature evidence, references to make things easier to the editors for final decision. The comments can even be categorized as 'Authors only', 'Editors only', 'Both for authors and editors'. # The reviewer should not use information in the manuscript for the benefit of himself/his school or organization. Also it should never be revealed to discredit anyone in the ladder. # The reviewer should not accept the manuscript, if his research group is on way of preparation of similar content or when under editorial processing in the same or any other journal. # The reviewer should not contact the author(s) by any communication means during the entire process. # The reviewer is to be immune in refereeing process to nationality/religion/political arena of origin of manuscript or even gender of author(s).

  • Quality of manuscript : The factors considered are objectives of study, equipment/instruments, computations, current results adhering to existing theories, new findings and extension/future scope of the study.
  • Copyright : The contents are in open access for reading and printing, but the publisher of journal has full rights on published papers. Authors should seek prior permission to reproduce in any form.Typical tit-bits of e-Learning program in operation by standard organizations are adapted to avoid fabrication of manuscripts, plagiarism and diminished quality.The contribution of authors is for web site maintenance for the open access journal.
  • Errata : Corrections to minor errors of typographic, transcription etc. (brought to the notice of editor-in-chief after publication) will be published under errata in the subsequent issue of the journal.
  • Credit : The guidelines are prepared based on state-of-art of publication standards and COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines. The policies of journal publication are reviewed in bi-annual meetings of editorial board to arrive at titbits for authors and referees for prospective publication process. The revisions are updated from the immediate next issue.

Guidelines to Authors

Synopsis of manuscript preparation
Submit manuscript to: info.joac@yahoo.com
  • Use star (superscript) on corresponding author
  • Keywords Minimum four
  • Tables and figures in running text
  • Declaration form that the manuscript is not communicated to any other Journal
  • Application of the method
  • Author should submit names of three Referee's with Addresses and emails
  • [Brief research profile/interests, photo, mobile number/fax]
  • Abbreviate this Journal in References as J. Applicable.Chem.

Manuscript style Microsoft word Doc.

  • Paper size : A4/Letter size
  • Font style : Times New Roman
  • Paper Heading : 14
  • Addresses and email : 12
  • Names of Authors : 10
  • All headings in text : 12
  • Text body : 11
  • Figures & tables : 9 [Portrait layout ]
  • References in text : [1], [2],.

[1]. A.A.M. Daifullah, S.M Yakout, S.A. Elreefy,The treatment of Pharyngeal gonorrhoea with a single oral dose, J. Hazard. Mater., 2007, 147, 633-643.


  • Title : The title should be relatively short but informative.
  • Authors : The format is first name middle name last name. Authors' affiliations should be indicated in this section.
  • Abstract/conspectus : The abstract should contain a brief narration of experimental design/ instrumental observations, preprocessing of results of the paper in about 250 words. The discussion with literature support along with real life applications and future scope are to be incorporated. Give graphical abstract and hilights of the paper.
  • Keywords : A minimum of 4 key words reflecting essence of the manuscript .
  • Introduction : Indicate the scope of the subject, present the goals of paper, novelty of research work and finally the organization of paper.
  • Materials and Methods : Sufficient details enable others researchers to repeat the authors' work. Chemical compounds should be named according to IUPAC or Chemical Abstracts nomenclature. Common/trivial names that are accepted by IUPAC can also be used. Units and dimensions should be expressed according to the metric system and SI units. The details of animals' samples and materials should be described. The permission from animal ethical committee should be mentioned. The source of chemicals and drugs may be given.
  • Results and Discussion : It may be combined or kept separate and may be further divided into subsections. This section should not contain technical details.
  • Application : It includes either fundamental or any special application of the method to the Chemistry or Society or other purposes.
  • Conclusion : It should be representing the summary of the important findings.
  • Acknowledgements : Information concerning research grant support, assistance of colleagues or any other notes of appreciation should appear in this section.
  • References : TThe references should be cited in the text in square brackets e.g. [1] [4-6,9,15-18 ]. The format of reference is.


  • A paper from a journal : Author's Initials.Name, Title of the Paper, journal, year, volume, issue, page no. A.A.M. Daifullah, S.M Yakout, S.A. Elreefy,The treatment of Pharyngeal gonorrhoea with a single oral dose, J. Hazard. Mater.2007, 147, 633-643.
  • Book/monograph : Author's Initials. Surname, Title, Publisher, Place of publication, Year is Bold of publication, Edition, page no.
  • A chapter book : Author's Initials. Surname, In: Editor's Initials. Editor's Surname (Ed.), Book Title, Edition -- if not the first, (Publisher, Place of publication, Year of publication) is Bold, page number.
  • Conference proceeding : Author's Initials. Surname, In: Editor's Initials. Editor's Surname (Ed.), Conference, date, place (town and country) of conference (Publisher, place of publication, year of publication) is Bold, page number.
  • Ph.D/M.Phil Thesis : Author's Initials. Surname, DSc/PhD/MSc/BSc thesis, University, (town, country, year of publication) is Bold.
  • Web reference : http//www.google.co.in, downloaded on 11th May, 2015.
  • Article in a newspaper : Author's Initials. Surname, Newspaper Title, Date of publication, page number.
  • Patents : Inventor, (Holder), Country Code and patent number (registration year).
  • Citations : Related to the concerned subject of the paper published in JOAC journal earlier.
  • Submission Check list :
    1. Manuscript
    2. Copy Right Form

For further Information E-mail Us : info.joac@yahoo.com




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