Our journal targets knowledge dissipation through experimental, theoretical and computational probes in chemical sciences. The covalent and non-covalent bonding and applications in inter-/trans-disciplinary chemical interactions
Our Journal is Interdisciplinary international Science Journal. It is Peer reviewed online bimonthly Journal Of Chemistry. This Journal is started with a view to give more emphasis to the Applicability of the research output in Chemistry. It covers all the fields of Chemistry–Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Environmental, Pharmaceutical, Microbiological, Agricultural, Green Chemistry and Nano Technology.
We can also publish one Chemical Education article in each issue to inculcate student community. This Journal gives the Luminous/Lead thoughts to Young Researchers to orient more towards useful Research to Society. This Journal becomes the platform between Universities/Research Labs, Industries & Public. So, Researchers encourage our goal and promote our Journal by sending your valuable research papers for Publication. Our Editor-in-Chief is Prof. KAZA SOMASEKHARA RAO a well known Chemist.
Misuse of true knowledge or use of false knowledge is expensive. Without a deep understanding of the valid knowledge base, limitations, context and task on hand, planning strategic blueprints can create a feeling of jumping off a cliff. Even implementation with true-to-their-salt team, outcome mostly is discouraging if not catastrophic. Click here for details..
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Journal of applicable Chemistry next issue will be released on
Journal of applicable Chemistry Volume 14 Issue 1 released on